

  • linefollower

    Line Follower V2 (black board): Getting Started

    Introduction The line follower is getting an upgrade in 2019!  This sensor allows a mobile robot, like the GoPiGo or the BrickPi, to follow a black line on the floor from start to finish. You can use it to program your robot to deliver cookies from the kitchen to your room, learn the basics of automated warehouses, or self-driving...

  • GoPiGo3_Camera_Shot

    Browser Streaming Robot With The GoPiGo3

    In this advanced project with the GoPiGo3 we build a Browser video streaming robot which streams live video to a browser and can be controlled from the browser. In this project we use a the Raspberry Pi Camera module with the GoPiGo3. You can control the robot using the a controller on the browser as the live video streams directly on...

  • GoPiGo3 BalanceBot Raspberry Pi Robot

    Running the GoPiGo3 BalanceBot

    In this section, we will show how to run the GoPiGo3 BalanceBot, and how to adjust the various constants in the python program that control the balancing algorithm.  The GoPiGo3 can be transformed from a car, into a Balancing Raspberry Pi Robot.  In this tutorial we walk you through how to setup and run you balancing Raspberry Pi robot. Before...

  • GoPiGo3 BalanceBot Raspberry Pi Robot

    Assemble the GoPiGo3 BalanceBot

    These instructions show how to assemble the GoPiGo3 BalanceBot.  The GoPiGo3 can be assembled into a balancing robot.  If you are looking for instructions to assemble the GoPiGo3 in a car robot configuration click here. Items You’ll Need to Assemble the GoPiGo3 BalanceBot GoPiGo3 Base Kit BalanceBot Kit Raspberry Pi (green computer board) SD Card with Dexter Industries software USB...

  • Step-8

    Assemble and Use the Line Follower With Your GoPiGo3 Raspberry Pi Robot

    Here we will show you how to assemble the GoPiGo Line Follower Kit and attach it to your GoPiGo3. The Line Follower is a sensor that attaches to the GoPiGo robot car which enables the GoPiGo follow a line on the floor. You can use it to program your GoPiGo to serve a drink across a room, learn the basics...

  • GoPiGo3 Raspberry Pi Robot

    Assemble the GoPiGo Servo Kit

    Here we will show you how to assemble the GoPiGo Servo Kit and attach it to your GoPiGo3.  The servo kit can be used to attach a Raspberry Pi Camera, a Dexter Industries Distance Sensor, or an Ultrasonic Sensor.  The servo kit allows your GoPiGo3 to swivel the sensor to detect objects and navigate around them. What You’ll Need...

  • GoPiGo3 Raspberry Pi Robot with Distance Sensor

    4. Attach the Camera or the Distance Sensor to the GoPiGo3

    Your GoPiGo3 mobile robot might need some sensors for seeing its way around.  The two most popular sensors are the Raspberry Pi Camera, which takes video and pictures, and the Dexter Industries Distance Sensor, which measures distances to objects.  Both of these sensors behave like eyes for the robot, detecting objects and helping the robot avoid obstacles as it...

  • 180px-Scratchcat.svg

    Scratch Programming Language With The GoPiGo3

    Scratch Programming Language With the Raspberry Pi and the GoPiGo3 We’ve optimized Scratch and the GoPiGo3 for our operating systems, Raspbian for Robots.  This is a free operating system you run on your Raspberry Pi.  You can download and install Raspbian for Robots for free here.  You can also download the latest version and install them with these directions.  The below...

  • 2-Power-up-the-GoPiGo3-usb-powered

    Python in the GoPiGo3

    An Introduction to Python Programming with the GoPiGo Dexter Industries has an extensive Python Programming language set of examples for the GoPiGo. Setting Up Python for the GoPiGo3 If you’re using one of our software images like Raspbian for Robots or DexterOS, there is no setup needed.  However, if you are using your own image or version of Raspbian, you...

  • GoPiGo3 Raspberry Pi Robotics

    Connect to the GoPiGo3 with Raspbian for Robots

    How to Connect to the GoPiGo3 with the Raspbian for Robots Operating System Raspbian for Robots allows you to access the Raspberry Pi Desktop in your Browser.  Accessing the Pi without a monitor and a keyboard is a bit of a complex task. Raspbian for Robots hides this complexity so you can get directly to the good stuff: programming your...
