Posts tagged with ‘camera’

Posts tagged with ‘camera’

  • OpenCV_Logo

    Raspberry Pi Computer Vision Tutorial for the BrickPi

    What if your robot could “see” the world around it? One of the most “eye-opening” things you can do with your robot project is to add vision.  This is commonly called computer vision, and has recently been made affordable by the dropping cost of digital cameras (thanks to the massive amounts of smartphones being cranked out!). Even if buying a camera for...

  • New Project: Raspberry Pi Kindle Reader

    Have you ever wanted to get that Kindle Book into another format, or just copy the text? Have you ever wanted to get all of your highlights or notes off your Kindle? In this project we make an ebook reading robot with the BrickPi.  We use the BrickPi to control the LEGO  page turner, a RaspberryPi camera to take pictures...
