This year Dexter Industries will be partnering with Google X-Prize and LEGO MINDSTORMS to bring you the 3rd Annual MoonBots Challenge!
Moonbots is a contest that challenges teams of students and adults to learn about robotics, the Moon, and space exploration by designing and constructing a LEGO MINDSTORMS robot that performs simulated lunar missions.
Teams will design and build LEGO MINDSTORMS robots to complete challenges similar to what explorers faced on the moon.
This year, Dexter Industries is bringing sustainability to the competition by providing 30 finalists with dSolar 4W systems. Teams will power their lunar robots with solar power, just like a real mission to the moon!
Registration is free and the Grand Prize is a trip to Hawaii!
Free registration and Phase One of the contest will be open from May 15th through July 15. Phase Two of the contest begins August 1h through November 15h.
Teams from anywhere in the world are encouraged to participate. This is a global competition and you need not be from the United States to compete!
Detailed information on the competition can be found on our website here: http://www.dexterindustries.com/moonbots.html
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