USB Drive

USB Drive

USB Drive

This USB Drive has 8GB of free space and does not come with any software. We recommend it for users of DexterOS and the GoPiGo, as it allows for easy software updates and is a great place to store photos taken by the Raspberry Pi camera and sound files to play on the speaker.


This USB Drive has 8GB of free space, and comes with no software on it. We recommend it for users of DexterOS and the GoPiGo. It will be used to update the OS (with a .zip file downloaded) and save pictures taken with the Pi camera. This comes in the GoPiGo Starter Kit.

Key Use for the USB Drive:

  • For DexterOS users, this USB drive will enable them to update their GoPiGo software quickly and easily. They will just download a file from our site, put it on the USB Drive, and insert the Drive into the robot, and turn on the robot. The robot will do the update automatically, and restart.
  • This USB Drive should be left in the robot at all times to enable users to save their files to it, including photos taken by the Raspberry Pi camera when connected, and sound files to play on the Dexter Industries Speaker.