Two BrickPi on one Network

I have two BrickPi on one wireless network. How can I change the server address for one of the BrickPi so that I can connect to both of the BrickPi via VNC Viewer?

Thanks for the help!

Here’s a link to a what I think your looking for if not let me know

Unfortunately it isn’t what I was looking for.

I only have both of the BrickPi connected to the same wifi router. When I access them from VNC Viewer I use the VNC server: raspberrypi.local:1
The problem is that both of the BrickPi use that same server address so I cannot connect to both of the BrickPi. Only the BrickPi that connected to wifi first is accessible via VNC viewer. I think that if I can somehow change the server address of the second BrickPi to something like raspberrypi2.local:1 then maybe it will work. I just haven’t found a way to do this.

Sorry not sure maybe try to access the data from the other one?
If not ask someone else better than me cause I’m new

Hey folks, I’m assuming you want to change the username of one of the devices from raspberrypi.local to something else, so you don’t have two devices named that on the same network. Correct?

if that’s correct, you want to change the hostname. This can be done manually on the 2015.03.20 version of Raspbian for Robots (and any version of Raspbian). Here’s the best set of directions I’ve seen:

We’re working on a software update right now that’s going to make this a lot easier. I’ll have a preview up for that if either of you are interested in testing!

This was exactly what I needed! Thank you very much! :smiley: